Friday, January 4, 2013

The Great Wife

Ralph Waldo Emerson, taking from Goethe said, "Treat a man as he is and he will remain as he is. Treat a man as he could be, and he will become as should be."

I was watching this documentary on Netflix the other day about food, diet, and eating right.  It went into the idea that you can improve your health, well being, and seemingly your longevity through eating the right foods.  And at one point all of the "authorities" in the documentary agreed that LOVE is a key component to great health.  In fact, it is love of self that one needs to start with.  One of the doctor's said that she "prescribed" all of her patients an affirmation.  Twice a day they were to say out loud, in a mirror, "I love myself unconditionally right now."

This got me the behest of my mother-in-law I started a new blog.  I created it months ago.  It's gone through various names, but nothing seemed quite right, until now.  I wanted a blog that highlighted all the things I do.  Now, I guess this should be the point in which I tell you, I don't really do anything special or extraordinary.  But I am a wife and a mother and a pinterest lover and a workout girl and a would-be scholar...and well anything I need to be.

Which brings me to my title, The Great Wife...let's face it, I'm not great all the time...but I try to be, and I'm great some of the time...and in the spirit of positive affirmations, I'll tell myself I'm great all the time.  So, why not name my blog something positive.  We are who we think we are.  Therefore, if I think (and tell myself) I'm great, then I'll be great all the time.

So this blog will document the things I do over here in the middle of the country.  I'll post recipes and workout information, crafts and kid updates...anything that I want the whole world to know about! 
; ) 

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