Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Workout Woes

Okay, I actually don't have too many workout-woes.  I'm in the middle of doing Insanity, and I love it.  I started getting back in the saddle post-baby with Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.  I hadn't really worked out since I was like 7 months pregnant, so I needed something tame.  Now, I should point out that I'm usually in pretty good shape.  I've been working out fairly regularly since I was 16.  So, a friend recommended this DVD to me, and I gave it a whirl.  It is comprised of three "levels".  Each level is supposed to be progressively more difficult, and the workouts are only 20 minutes long.  This was perfect for me since I had a new baby in the house and didn't have time to get away to the gym.  The thing about 30 Day Shred is that there's no schedule of what you're supposed be to doing and when.  So I more or less came up with the idea that I'd do each level for a week, then whatever for the last week.  As it turned out, with timing and things going on in life, I did this for 5-6 weeks and did level 2 and 3 a lot.  It's certainly a nice starting point to get back into working out.  It's a nice little workout that gets your heart rate going (not a ton, but it's better then nothing).  I used 5lbs weights, and I was content with that.  I also saw results.  My arms were more toned, and my stamina greatly increased.  I'm not sure how much weight I lost, if any...maybe only a few pounds.  But that's probably more my fault because I didn't change my eating habits enough.  Oh, and that's another isn't until Level 3 that Jillian mentions the "diet plan" we're supposed to be following.  However, it doesn't exist...I looked and looked for it.  So maybe there was going to be a diet plan that went along with the DVD, but then they decided against it???  I don't know.

THEN, I started Insanity with Shaun T...and I LOVED IT!  (What am I talking about, I'm still doing it!)  Now this is a workout that's more my speed!  Is it difficult?  YES!  But I feel like I'm actually working stuff out!  It's longer then 30 Day Shred (both length of total workout and length of each individual workout), and I love that he takes time to really stretch your muscles.  Another small complaint I have about 30 Day Shred is that I was doing the same level over and over...the same moves day in and day out.  But with Insanity there is a set workout schedule and many different routines.  Plus, I love Shaun T...and I didn't love Jillian...for some reason it really bothered me that she rarely did the full exercise during the workout.  I think overall she did 1/4 of everything.  That got annoying...haha...but Shaun T is there working hard just like me and everyone else!  Insanity is not for beginners--at all.  But I think 30 Day Shred helped prepare me for Insanity a bit.  Some of the moves are the same (jumping jacks, high knees, butt kicks, etc.) but with Insanity it's MUCH more intense!  I'm defeinitely seeing results, and I totally feel stronger!  I love how I feel the rest of the day after I do the Insanity workout in the morning.

There is a diet plan with Insanity as fact, it's really drawn out and specific...I intended to follow that too...but shamefully I haven't.  I've also had to start over because I encountered an unrelated medical issue in which I needed to stop for a week...sooooo...I started it over a couple weeks ago.  But I don't care, I love doing it.  I don't have my perfect body yet, but my abs are starting to look pretty awesome (if I do say so myself)...and I haven't had to do one crunch to get them!

Now I know blog posts are so much better when they include pictures...but I don't have any.  I always meant to take a before photo...but for one reason or another I never got around to it.  I'm kicking myself for not taking one, if for nothing else, my own vindication...I would love to be able to look back and see the change. 

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